Your Passion


Your Path


Your Dream

We help you to identify the best career stream with prospects from class 8 onwards...

Enticing Careers is a dedicated social enterprise that is constantly geared up to help students accomplish their aspirations and execute their career needs. Every child and parent goes through a confused state when it comes to deciding a career. With constructive assessment, unfailing communication and sound reasoning, our team promises to put the duo at ease.


Prepare for Your Future Career

Class 8-10

Stream & Subject Selection

Discover your perfect stream and subject combinations through a comprehensive assessment of your strengths and personalised counselling from leading career coaches. Gain from expert guidance and explore the right career opportunities aligned to your stream choice.

Class 11-12

Career Selection & Planning

Discover your perfect career based on your unique strengths & abilities, and get expert career counselling on your targeted career options to plan your course and college. Benefit from the exceptional support of our career counsellors and create a step-by-step plan for your career progression.


Career Selection & Development

Discover your next career move, accurately matched to your skills, interests and career goals through our comprehensive 5-dimensional assessment, and specialized career counselling. Accelerate your career through personalised guidance and all-round support from career counsellors.


Spoken English Coaching

Business English Coaching and Training for Corporate Professionals

The Coach

Fervent, devoted, and innovative, are just the three perfect words for Subadra Ilan our Career coach. She is an exuberant mentor and excels with her multi-dimensional assessment methodologies to help discover the ideal vocation and choose the right course and college

Happy Faces

Happy Faces

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Krishna The Coach

Coaching skills are not new to the modern world. Looking back at our rich history and mythology we find that these skills were used very effectively by Lord Krishna who

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If I can, you too can!!!

This is a question I have been asking myself ever since I got into it. Being a typical high scoring science student during my college days, after my education, I

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