Why choose Economics as a major in the undergraduate study ? 

Economics is a very versatile subject of study.

As the human race and the world, keep on evolving continuously, one needs to understand and adapt to the changes that are taking place.

The earth‘s natural resources get depleted owing to growing population and due to the increased need of meeting the needs of the people.
Determining the most logical and effective process by which resources can be used to meet different goals of the population is realised by the study of economics.

Economics is not just numbers and can be used correlated with a number of other disciplines like political science, sociology geography mathematics, psychology, law, business, engineering and medicine. Therefore, economics can be considered to be a holistic discipline.

Some of the concerns of the society that economics addresses include government policies on taxation and trade, investments and savings, banking system, employment statistics, industrial organisations, urbanisation, legal matters, environmental problems to name some.
Economics helps one to think critically and make strategic decisions for the betterment of people and the society.

Most of the soft skills that are needed for employment in todays ever demanding world is easier to develop by studying economics.

Majoring in economics in the undergraduate level opens the doors to a wide variety of career options in different spheres.

Being concerned with the problems the world is facing, majoring in economics would help in making the world a better place for the human population.


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